(Arugadi translates to ‘Garden’

from Hidatsa).

The Hidatsa are a Siouan people in North Dakota.

When a problem is identified, there is a solution.This was the motivating factor for the development of Arugadi Organics who are creating sustainable,hydroponic year-round gardening spaces.

Vertical hydroponic gardens in recycled shipping containers provide the backdrop for these innovative gardens. The initial crops will start with organic lettuce and leafy greens. Moving forward they will include other types of plants and vegetables including trees for reforestation in the future.

Their innovative hydroponic growing systems allow for year-round growing of fresh produce in a climate that would otherwise be unsuitable for a majority of the year. Their dedicated purpose is to create a local source of fresh organic produce in remote locations with underlying sustainable, far-reaching potential.

This existing global technology has created sustainable gardens around the world and is now being applied in Western ND at the hands of founder Jason Baker (M.S. Civil Engineering, 2008, NDSU), the highly respected entrepreneur who also runs Baker Consulting LLC and Ahwah Energy, his dedication to his community and his tribe is a core value in everything he does.

Mr. Baker is an enrolled member of the Three Affiliated Tribes and grew up in Mandaree, ND.

Sustainability and self-sufficient food sources are critical in today’s changing social structure. With current world events, working together and supporting each other through ancestorial knowledge to create stand-alone eco-friendly food systems for our communities is at the heart of this endeavor.

Our team members are dedicated to education, stewardship and building a sense of community with each garden which stands as a communal focal point.

We believe in and are passionate about food supply systems, where communities can have easier access to fresh, healthier food options.


We are passionate about empowering local communities with sustainable locally grown food year-round.


To supply fresh organic produce to logistically challenged areas, such as rural North Dakota and the Ft. Berthold Indian Reservation with our eco-friendly and innovative agricultural methods.

At Arugadi, we are creating centralized food systems with our high-yield, low carbon footprint container gardens.
The development of food supply systems will provide a significant impact on our community, and we value combining traditional and futuristic knowledge to help our organization advance in these ever evolving frameworks.